Sunday, May 15, 2011

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Sea of Monsters

Bibliographic information: 
Riordan, Rick.  Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Sea of Monsters.  Disney-Hyperion Book, 2007.

Brief plot description:
Percy comes back again to Half Blood Hill to find that the magical borders that protect the camp from monsters and unwelcomed guests are failing. The culprit is unknown but the reason is the magical tree (which houses Zeus daughter) that create the borders, has been poisoned by a person working for the Titans. The only way to save half blood camp is to find the magical Golden Fleece, which can heal the tree back to its original state. To get it, Percy has to go into the Sea of Monsters (present day Bermuda Triangle) and fight a Cyclops. He gains the fleece and heals the tree, but too much. Zeus’ Daughter comes out of the tree.

Brief review:
This is another great book in the series for tweens. I think that this book could be read by fourth through eighth graders.  There are several good references to everyday things that are known to tweens. Also, whenever there is something new to the story that is Greek or just unknown to the reader, it is explained thoroughly. It tidied up the story again at the end of the story and caused enough trouble to keep the story going for the next book.  This book could be used in conjunction with a mythology unit in literature.  The relationship between the gods is sometimes hard to understand and reading this book will give students a different prospective on those relationships.

Genre label:
Modern Fantasy

Reading level/interest level:
7th-8th grade

Similar materials in style content, theme or characters:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan
Children of the Red King Series by Jenny Nimmo
The Heroes of Olympus, Book  One: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

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